While the Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) handles the funding and logistics of reparations and assistance programmes, the implementing partners carry out the active work in the field. They directly interact with the victims, and they are the faces visible to TFV beneficiaries.

The TFV has currently only one avenue to obtain implementing partners: through a Registry-led procurement process that ensures transparency, publicity and neutrality.

Uganda (December 2020):
At the beginning of 2020, The TFV had at a total of 6 implementing partners in the Ugandan assistance programme that started on 4 April 2019. As of early 2021, the TFV will have 29 implementing partners working on assistance programmes and reparation implementation.

  • AVSI FoundationCenter for Children in Vulnerable Situations (CCVS)
  • Centre for Children in Vulnerable Situations (CCVS)
  • Center for Victims of Torture (CVT)
  • Health Right International (HRI)
  • Transcultural Psychological Organisation (TPO)

DRC (assistance programme started on 1 May 2020 and was launched in July 2020):

  • Association des Mamans Anti-Bwaki
  • Fleuve d’eau Vive Qui Coule aux autres
  • Cooperazione Internazionale
  • Sociétés des Missionnaires d’Afrique
  • Obervatoire des Droits Humains
  • Solidarité pour la Promotion Sociale et la Paix
  • Transcultural Psychosocial Organization
  • Appui aux Femmes Démunies et Enfants Marginalises -R.D. Congo
  • Médecins du Monde Belgique
  • World Relief

Reparation programmeLubanga (confidential)

Côte d’Ivoire (started on 1 November 2020 and launched in January 2021)

  • AVSI Foundation
  • Développement Rural à l’Ouest – La Lutte Contre le Faim (DRAO-LCF)
  • West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP-CI)


Pilot programme: COOPI (since 1 September 2020)

Assistance programme (started on 1 February 2020)

  • Association des Femmes Juriste de Centrafrique (AFJC)
  • Comité Inter Africain pour les Femmes de Centrafrique (CIAF)
  • DanChurchAid (DCA)
  • Mukwege Foundation
  • Medicins d’Afrique Centrafrique

As of November 2020 / early 2021, four implementing partners. (reparations Al Mahdi – partner names are currently confidential).