Le Fonds au Profit des Victimes à la CPI annonce la soumission de son rapport final dans l'affaire Le Procureur c. Germain Katanga
Le FPV a le plaisir d'informer qu'il a déposé, le 2 décembre 2024, ses rapports narratif et financier finaux sur la mise en œuvre du Programme de réparations dans l'affaire Katanga devant la Chambre de première instance II de la Cour pénale internationale (CPI). Le programme de réparations dans l'affaire Katanga est le premier programme de réparations à être achevé à la CPI.
The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) at the International Criminal Court (ICC) is pleased to announce the recent increased contribution from Latvia, a State Party to the ICC since 2002,
Lithuania reaffirms its commitment to reparative justice provided under the Rome Statute
The Principality of Liechtenstein reiterates its commitment to victims of Rome Statute crimes
The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) at the International Criminal Court (ICC) is pleased to announce the Principality of Liechtenstein, a State Party to the ICC since 2001, renewed support to the TFV through a voluntary contribution this year of a total amount of EUR 10,000. This unrestricted contribution will be used to redress the harm suffered by victims of Rome Statute crimes, through reparations awards ordered by the ICC and other programmes for their benefit.
Le Fonds au Profit des Victimes à la Cour Pénale Internationale est profondément triste d'annoncer le décès, le 13 décembre, de Richard Budju, Fonctionnaire adjoint chargé des programmes sur le terrain affecté au Programme du FPV pour la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC)
Richard était un homme d'une profonde gentillesse, dont la lumière brillait dans tout ce qu'il faisait. Il était particulièrement dévoué à la cause des enfants re
The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) at the International Criminal Court (ICC) is deeply saddened to announce the passing on 13 December of Richard Budju, Associate Field Programme Officer assigned to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) TFV Programme
Richard was a man of profound kindness, whose light shone brightly in everything he did. He was particularly devoted to addressing the plig
The Republic of Cyprus renews its commitment to the ICC Trust Fund for Victims by increasing its voluntary contribution
The Trust Fund for Victims (TFV) at the International Criminal Court (ICC) takes great pleasure in announcing that the Republic of Cyprus, a State Party to the ICC since 2002, increased its voluntary contribution to the TFV in 2024
Trust Fund for Victims Board of Directors: Securing Renewed Consensus in Favour of the Reparative Mandate of the ICC
On 2 December 2024, the 7th Board of Directors of the Trust Fund for Victims delivered its annual report to the Assembly of States Parties, which held its 23rd session in The Hague, The Netherlands. Also, between 28 November and 4 December 2024, the 7th Board held its 29th and final meeting, thereby concluding its mandate.