Providing reparative value for victims and survivors
The Trust Fund for Victims at the ICC is one of the pillars of reparative justice of the Rome Statute which contributes to realising the right of reparations for victims—encompassing restitution, compensation, and rehabilitation. Initiatives extend to victims and families within the ICC's jurisdiction.
Who we are

The TFV places victims and survivors at the centre of everything we do. Our teams work for and with victims to deliver vital programmes including mental health, physical rehabilitation, and material support.
Our Mandates

The TFV fulfils two unique mandates: implementing reparations awards ordered against a convicted person by the Court, and providing assistance to victims and their families in ICC situations through life-changing programmes.

The Trust Fund for Victims relies on voluntary contributions. Our life-changing work is only possible with the generous voluntary donations from both public and private donors. The ICC’s Member States, who share our mission to realise the rights and needs of victims, are our staunchest supporters.