Assistance programmes
Under its assistance mandate, the TFV funds projects and initiatives that are of a reparative quality: they can be physical and psychological rehabilitation and material support to victims, their families and their communities:
- Physical rehabilitation comprises reconstructive surgery, general surgery, bullet and bomb fragment removal, prosthetic and orthopaedic devices and HIV and AIDS screening, care and support.
- Psychological rehabilitation initiatives provide victims with individual and group trauma counselling, information sessions, community therapy, large-scale community psychological education through community dialogue and reconciliation to foster peace and healing within and between communities that create a favourable environment for the prevention of crimes.
- Material support consists of the provision of sustainable, environmentally friendly livelihood-promoting activities. These include education, grants, vocational training, access to referral services and training opportunities focusing on long-term economic empowerment.
In contrast to the implementation of reparation awards, TFV assistance programmes do not require a direct link to an ICC conviction or judicial proceedings. The TFV may develop assistance programmes in different scenarios: before the start of judicial proceedings, during judicial proceedings and after the end of judicial proceedings in an ICC situation country.
TFV assistance programmes also do not replace or displace a State’s own responsibility to repair. They may complement and/or strengthen a Government’s own reparative programmes or activities, if possible in alignment with other efforts of international community.
The TFV funds assistance activities from voluntary contributions of States Parties and private donations.
Learn about assistance activities in TFV Situation Countries
- Uganda
- The Central African Republic
- The Democratic Republic of Congo
- Côte d’Ivoire (under construction)
- Mali (under construction)
- Georgia (under construction)
- Kenya (under construction)