Angelina Jolie Pitt returned to the International Criminal Court yesterday to visit the Trust Fund for Victims, which helps victim survivors of international war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The meeting, Ms. Jolie Pitt’s fifth to the International Criminal Court, took place at the newly inaugurated ICC building in The Hague, which was officially opened by His Majesty King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands on 19 April 2016.
During her visit, Ms. Jolie Pitt talked with the Trust Fund staff about the difficulties faced by survivors. Ms. Jolie Pitt also discussed the impact that the Trust Fund’s assistance makes in allowing survivors to regain their dignity and rebuild their lives within their communities. Following her meeting with the Trust Fund Ms. Jolie Pitt said, “There can be no complete justice without consideration for the victims of the war crimes themselves, and the practical assistance they need to move on with their lives and overcome the harm they have suffered. That is why the work of the Trust Fund is important and must be supported and strengthened over time.”
Currently, over 180,000 victim survivors have benefited from the Trust Fund’s assistance mandate – including access to reproductive health services, vocational training, trauma-based counseling, reconciliation workshops, reconstructive surgery and more.
The Trust Fund for Victim is at the forefront of the global movement to end impunity for sexual violence and gender-based crimes by addressing the needs of those who have suffered and survived these crimes. Ms. Jolie Pitt discussed with the Board the importance of practical assistance to victim survivors of SGBV, and the special vulnerability of girls and women as key steps toward ending impunity for perpetrators and establishing durable peace and reconciliation in conflict settings.
Mr. Motoo Noguchi, previous international judge of the Supreme Court Chamber at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC, 2006-2012) and the current Chair of the TFV Board, said, “The TFV works to ensure that victims survivors and the affected communities within the jurisdiction of the Court are recognized and will be supported in their efforts to overcome their harm and regain their full and dignified lives. On behalf of the Trust Fund Board of Directors, I greatly appreciate the interest and support of Ms. Jolie Pitt to highlight the importance of justice to be meaningful for victim survivors."
For more information contact: Moureen Lamonge at +31 70 515 8013 or trust.fund@icc-cpi.int